Monday, January 4, 2021


Student response system.

Socrative is a cloud-based student response system developed by graduate school students. It helps teachers to make easy quizzes that students can take on laptops easily or, more frequently, by tablet computers or even their own smartphones in the classroom.

Quizzes may be true/false, multiple-choice, quick response graded, or short answers open-ended. Exercises can be either teacher-paced (for use during a discussion in the classroom) or student-paced (for use as a more standard "exit ticket" or quiz) class-end. 

Socratic officials say that more than 350,000 teachers have registered for free accounts and that at least 20 teachers are listed as customers in more than 1700 districts or schools. Teachers are very active: in 2012 alone, they mandated 6.2 million student logins and have submitted 122 million questions to date.

Click here to see the quiz I created.

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